Dec 24, 2019
More than a Pretty (Inter)Face
earch for “dating” on Google, and the results are not surprising. Matchmaking and speed dating appear, but also endless lists of the “10 best dating apps for…” matched with some qualifier, ranging from specific professions to broad demographics. Countless singles have tried or found love, on at least one dating app since their inception.
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Dec 18, 2019
Perversion of Values
When Company Culture is Weaponized Against Employees By Hannah Landers Thoughtful. Customer-obsessed. Iterative. Powerful. Accessible. In it together. This list of adjectives conjures a workplace of camaraderie and shared responsibility—one […]

Dec 10, 2019
King of Burgers, Queen of Pop
By Kenly Craighill In 2008, a doe-eyed, cowboy-boot-clad 18-year-old took to the CMT Music Awards stage. Her unmistakable permed curls, paired with a cutesy-country twang and puppy-love lyrics, made her […]