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Jul 30, 2024

Deadlier Than Cyanide

Johnson & Johnson’s Response to the Opioid Crisis “No more tears.” For more than half a century, Johnson & Johnson has made this promise to families across America. The tagline […]

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Jun 11, 2024

First The Bubble, Then The Burst

In a suburban Los Angeles garage, Chris Robinson stands uncomfortably, his arms not quite covering the text on his white t-shirt: “BANKRUPT BY BEANIE BABIES.” “This is like admitting to […]

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Apr 15, 2024

Your Company Isn’t the Uber or AirBNB of Anything

(And that’s okay.) “We’re the Uber of babysitting.” “It’s like Airbnb for bikes.” “Imagine Uber for dog walking.” It’s the shorthand founders of supposedly innovative companies use to describe their […]

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Aug 8, 2022

The Timeless Tale of Authenticity

by Zoe Grant Whether selling software or sandals, long-established brands are at a loss for how to create meaningful relationships with Gen Z consumers. How do brands engage the generation […]

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May 19, 2022

To Go Green, Brands Must First Go Deep on Brand Alignment

Greenwashing can reveal a lack of alignment around a brand’s true values by Kaylyn Sidle  Consumers are quickly realizing that individual efforts to fight Earth’s escalating social and ecological crises […]

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Apr 12, 2022

Baseball’s Back, As Inconsistent As Ever

by Joel Hulsey Prior to 1969, Major League Baseball (MLB) was a brand without an (visual) identity. Certainly, a century of existence had provided MLB dominance within American culture, but […]

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Feb 21, 2022

Going Retro The Right Way

Nostalgia can make for strong marketing messages, but it’s a flimsy foundation for lasting brand loyalty By Kaylyn Sidle There it is. That checkout-aisle bubblegum you vividly remember begging for […]

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Jan 14, 2022

If Your Brand is Customer-First, Then Why Am I Still on Hold?

Maybe it’s time to admit that it’s not pandemic-related: most brands really just don’t care about their customers   by Ed Lynes This past year, millions of Americans spent their […]

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Dec 6, 2021

The Power Of The Underdog

Consumers increasingly rally to upstarts willing to tackle the problems market leaders ignore. by Eric Harrison • Patagonia’s founder made environmental preservation an essential part of the brand • Other […]

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Nov 30, 2021

The Broken Business of Death

Story misalignment makes any company vulnerable to disruption, no matter how big or essential they are.  By Hannah Landers • SCI built its business around a promise of “empathy and […]

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