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Jul 16, 2024

Customers Don’t Give a Duck

In a Post-Marketing Era—Experience is All That Matters. “For almost 100 years the Ducks did almost nothing but lose.” When it comes to the University of Oregon football team, there’s […]

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Aug 18, 2023

Why Great Technology Isn’t Enough

Unlocking Go-To-Market Success with Strategic Narratives for B2B Technology 75 percent of venture-backed companies never return cash to investors. Even with the advantages of capital and a product in which […]

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Feb 21, 2022

Going Retro The Right Way

Nostalgia can make for strong marketing messages, but it’s a flimsy foundation for lasting brand loyalty By Kaylyn Sidle There it is. That checkout-aisle bubblegum you vividly remember begging for […]

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Nov 22, 2020

The Medicine of Marketing

Keep Spending More Money on Marketing That Doesn’t Deliver? That’s a Tough Pill to Swallow. By Meghan Termat For those seeking job security, it might be best to avoid the […]

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Dec 10, 2019

King of Burgers, Queen of Pop

By Kenly Craighill In 2008, a doe-eyed, cowboy-boot-clad 18-year-old took to the CMT Music Awards stage. Her unmistakable permed curls, paired with a cutesy-country twang and puppy-love lyrics, made her […]

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Jul 18, 2019

“How to Marie Kondo Your Brand in 4 Easy Steps!”

How co-opting another’s success can spell disaster for your brand. By Mike Dea “It’s about choosing joy.” Marie Kondo became a titan in the industry of home organization when her […]

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Jul 3, 2019

Suffering From Premature Gratification?

Why “Instant” and “Gratification” Don’t Make a Happy Couple By Kenly Craighill Veruca Salt: a timeless image of spoiled, entitled youth. With her fists clenched and lips turned downward into […]

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Jun 18, 2019

Recasting the Past

Using Nostalgia to Create an Audience Connection By Hannah Landers “What is the charm that makes old things so sweet?” Although novelist Sarah Doudney penned this phrase in her 19th […]

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Jun 6, 2019

The Limitation of Imitation

By Kenly Craighill Adolescence: the age of bad acting. In this graceless phase of acne and braces, teenagers strategically morph into anything resembling some abstract idea of “cool.” The teenage […]

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Feb 28, 2019

Transparency Makes a Brand Sustainable

Greenwashing and the Pollution of a Brand By Kenly Craighill   “I’m smart, you’re dumb. I’m big, you’re small. I’m right, you’re wrong. And there’s nothing you can do about […]

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