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Aug 15, 2017

What Brands Can Learn from Great Novels

By Kate Faigen There’s nothing like a great book. I’ve found that few remedies can cure an ailment as brilliantly as beautiful words. Whether it be boredom, sadness, fear, or […]

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Jun 27, 2017

A Modern Romance: Dating Advice for Your Brand

By Ngozi Assata Love is in the air, and smart brands are getting in on it. Social media affords organizations unique opportunities to engage with consumers on a personal level, […]

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May 23, 2017

Cognitive Biases and Story Marketing

By Kelly Sarabyn Psychologists have conducted thousands of studies documenting the many ways humans are biased and irrational decision-makers. Part of the reason storytelling is such an effective marketing tool is […]

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Apr 24, 2017

How Data Fails to Deliver

By Dan McDonough, Jr. It takes real integrity as a journalist to issue a correction. Washington Post reporter Chris Ingraham showed that exact brand of integrity when he reversed his […]

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Feb 13, 2017

The Secret to Being Great at Marketing is Staying Awake

By Kate Faigen An “off-day” at work is hardly uncommon. Even tireless employees find themselves fighting to stay awake (albeit only on occasion, of course.) Whether it’s a lack of […]

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Dec 20, 2016

The Only Four Things That Matter in a Business

By Ed Lynes Woden works with organizations across the world, and in the past year alone I’ve had conversations with more than 400 CEOs on four continents, in dozens of […]

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Nov 28, 2016

Why Message Trumps Math

November 2016’s crucial takeaway: Story matters By Ed Lynes Black Friday. Small Business Saturday. Cyber Monday. Giving Tuesday. America is finally (almost) through the contrived events that mark the commencement […]

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Nov 8, 2016

Badass Branding: The Art of Authenticity featuring Quentin Tarantino

By Samuel White When it comes to consistency, it’s hard to question the creative efforts of Quentin Tarantino. The Oscar-wining storyteller has never had a problem putting his own spin on […]

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Sep 12, 2016

The only strategic decision in marketing

Chances are: you’ve failed to make it. By Ed Lynes Every manager faces the daily crucible of decision-making. From small decisions about the language in an email to larger ones […]

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Jun 13, 2016

Storytelling Is a Meaningless Trope

By Melissa Rodier For the last few years, every discussion, TED Talk, or article on branding has preached the power of storytelling. That makes sense: It’s science, and millennia of […]

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