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May 9, 2016

What the America’s Cup teaches us about finding our audience

By Dan McDonough, Jr. The America’s Cup made its way back to New York City this past weekend for the first time since 1920. Nearly a century ago, the names […]

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Jan 18, 2016

Branding That Goes Beyond Pretty: Telling a Visual Story

By Mike DeSocio When Verizon unveiled its new logo in September, I had some serious doubts about the direction of the brand identity. The iconic “v” had been reduced to […]

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Nov 16, 2015

Snapchat Sells Nouveau Storytelling

By Kim Palagyi Businesses and causes looking to reach younger markets likely have heard of Snapchat. But, is the platform the right medium for serious commercial storytelling? Snapchat is used […]

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Oct 12, 2015

Storytelling advice for Volkswagen

By Dan McDonough, Jr. The best way out is always through. That was the advice of the optimist Len in Robert Frost’s poem “A Servant to Servants.” That’s my advice […]

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