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The Secret to Being Great at Marketing is Staying Awake

By Kate Faigen An “off-day” at work is hardly uncommon. Even tireless employees find themselves fighting to stay awake (albeit only on occasion, of course.) Whether it’s a lack of […]

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Should Brands Have Opinions? When and How to Get Political…Or Not.

By Mary McCool From the brands we love to the TV shows we watch to the food we eat, Americans’ political leanings are seen in their choice of products to a […]

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Donald Trump is a… hero?

By Dan McDonough, Jr. President Trump is a hero. Ok. Relax. This isn’t that kind of story. This is the story of Twitter, and how despite it sucking all the […]

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Sweating Sales? Storytelling Isn’t the Answer.

By Ed Lynes The mistake people make is thinking the story is just about marketing. No, the story is the strategy. If you make your story better, you make the strategy […]

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The Only Four Things That Matter in a Business

By Ed Lynes Woden works with organizations across the world, and in the past year alone I’ve had conversations with more than 400 CEOs on four continents, in dozens of […]

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Why Message Trumps Math

November 2016’s crucial takeaway: Story matters By Ed Lynes Black Friday. Small Business Saturday. Cyber Monday. Giving Tuesday. America is finally (almost) through the contrived events that mark the commencement […]

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Badass Branding: The Art of Authenticity featuring Quentin Tarantino

By Samuel White When it comes to consistency, it’s hard to question the creative efforts of Quentin Tarantino. The Oscar-wining storyteller has never had a problem putting his own spin on […]

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Turn Off The Green Screen. Now What’s Your Brand?

By Dennis Kim When you’re watching a movie, you don’t often say, “This is not real. Obviously it is shot with a camera, that spaceship is a green screen, and […]

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Seeking disruption? Tap the Secrets of Shaolin

What to learn from Witty, Unpredictable Talent And Natural Game. By Ed Lynes “If you living in the world today You been hearing the slang that the Wu-Tang say.” In […]

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The Difference Between Telling Stories and Storytelling

By Moriah Kofsky My name is Moriah (Mo-Rye-Ah) everywhere except the Saxbys on 40th and Locust. The barista there has known me as Moira (Moy-Ra) for a year now. “Medium cold […]

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